Classroom Management

There is no shortage of resources available to help you master the art of classroom management. There are mountains of books, podcasts, seminars, and classes dedicated to the subject.
We have teased out the main components from some of our favorites to help you begin. The course is designed to state some practical and innovative ways to manage to motivate your students to learn and acquire skills and knowledge.
Learning Outcomes:
All the Participants will:
* Identify typical classroom management problems
* Get familiar with the best techniques and methods to solve the typical classroom management problems
* Know about universal classroom management strategies
* Build their own Learning Portfolios
* Focus on nonverbal communication skills
* Learn the common features of Z generation, their concerns, interests and ways to motivate them
* Get familiar with new teaching and learning techniques and methods (Flipped Classroom and some Web2.0 tools)
Objectives of the Course
* To identify typical classroom management problems
* To learn about the best techniques and methods to solve the typical classroom management problems
* To get familiar with universal classroom management strategies
* To work on model ideal behavior
* To encourage initiative among students
* To build Learning Portfolios
* To focus on nonverbal communication skills
* To learn the common features of Z generation, their concerns, interests and ways to motivate them
* To get familiar with new teaching and learning techniques and methods (Flipped Classroom and some Web2.0 tools)
* To manage multi-culturalism in classes
* To improve the personnel skills and capacities of the students
* Discussion
* Building Learning Portfolios
* Working in groups
* Designing lesson plans and creating virtual classrooms
* Working on case studies
* Questioning, Answering and Discussing
* Brainstorming



Daily Course Fee



Amsterdam, Netherlands