Reducing Early School Leaving

This course aims reduce early school leavings. With this course, all participants will:

* Discuss on the definition of ESL and the challenge of defining ESL.
* Overview of the current situation in Europe.
* Recognize the key challenges, the scale of the problem and main factors leading to ESL across Europe.
* Familiarize the concept of ’comprehensive policies’ to reduce ESL
* Discuss on the key characteristics of successful policies.
* Develop a vision on how to prevent early school leaving
* Get knowledge/skills/attitude of teachers, trainers and administrators of the students who have a tendency to give up their training process
* Know comprehensive way requiring a critical revision of the entire education and training system
* Get a collective sense of responsibility and action for the benefit of the individual, of Member States, for Europe and for financial and social reasons.
* Gain experience in an international learning environment.
* List the needs and problems in the ESL
* Develop a sample of new international school policy related to the subject matter
* Be acquainted with and know how to support and encourage some other skate holders to reduce early school leaving
* Set up and maintain cross curricular cooperation
* Coach colleagues about fostering quality improvements of their teaching style and dissemination of good practices and developing school policy

Objectives of the course
* Responding to the needs of teacher’s personal and professional development skills in prevention of early school leaving
* Improving trainees’ knowledge in National policies to reduce ESL in many European Countries
* Ensuring a coherent, systemic and coordinated approach, the exchange of good practices and the efficient use of resources
* Understanding strong coordination and cooperation between national, regional and local actors
* Getting aware of important elements of a sustainable and comprehensive strategy including; a coordinating body, a progressive approach, local and national adaptation, awareness raising and training, sustainable funding,monitoring and evaluation
* Getting familiar with the strategies of active involvement and cooperation of skateholders at national, regional, local and school level
* Learning about the important elements for successful cooperation within the context of ESL including Inter-agency or inter-institutional arrangements, Central role of schools, Involvement of pupils and parents, Learning Cooperation



Daily Course Fee



Helsinki, Finland