Volunteerism and Involvement into Volunteering

In this course the emphasis has been placed on what the volunteerism is, what the benefits of Volunteering to both individuals and to the community are, and How to find right volunteering opportunities in order to optimize volunteers’ potential, achievement and success.
This program was designed universal in order to fit in volunteers frame notwithstanding their background or involvement strategies. Approaches, methods and techniques have been tested with different audiences and age groups. This course is mainly for the staff of NGOs and the volunteers.

Learning outcomes:
All the participants will:
* Define volunteerism in many ways
* Identify the Legal aspects of cooperation with NGOs in the scope of volunteering events
* Learn about the benefits of volunteerism to both the individuals and the community
* Learn about how to motivate people to social activities and to integrate the individuals (at different age groups) into voluntary activities
* Focus on right volunteering opportunities
* Organize a visit to an organization working with volunteers and give an opportunity to make a short film about volunteers and their work during the visit.

Objectives of the Course
* Getting familiar with volunteerism and volunteer
* Discussing the benefits of volunteerism
* Focusing on to reach right volunteers
* Discussing the cooperation ways and right programs for cooperation and collaboration
* Evaluating the possible and targetted effects of the planned event
* Finding new and Innovative ways of motivating people to social activities and to integrating the individuals

* Visiting an NGO and meeting the volunteers
* Planning a volunteering event together
* Determining the scheme of the event.
* Brainstorming
* Working in group cooperatively



Daily Course Fee



Helsinki, Finland